Tuesday 23 February 2016

Anouble Double

I'm gonna analyse another double page spread so I can properly get the conventions trapped in my brain.

On this NME double page spread there is one main image spanning half of the page. She is dressed in a punk tartan shirt which matches the punk style font of the title and attitude of the article. 
It follows the rule of 3 with 3 main colours: black, red and white and 3 different fonts for the title, subtitle and article.
The article is in the bottom left as if it is the least important part of the page, it is also separated into 4 columns whereas I will be using 3.

On my double page spread I will use an image of the band as the background with a big title across the top of the page with a smaller subtitle beneath it. As well as that I will use a 3 column pattern for my article.

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