Monday 15 February 2016

Passing to Nirvana

As I am doing an indie magazine i am going to continue by analysing MOJO, an indie music magazine.

All of the lettering on the page is in 3 different fonts, enough to show the change in music as Nirvana formed but not so ugh that it is hard to look at.
The magazine has 3 main colour: yellow, black and white. This is good because it uses the rule of 3 and attracts people. 
The people in the main photo are placed in front of the magazine's title which is a common technique used on magazine covers.
There is a free CD with the magazine which would persuade people to buy it.
It also includes a few small descriptions of the articles in the magazine to give readers an idea of what is in the inside. 

In my magazine cover I will use the rule of 3 with 3 main colours probably Black, white and blue, green or purple. I will also use small drop introductions to the articles on my cover, as well as placing the people in the main photo over the magazine title.

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