Saturday 27 February 2016

Ugliest contents page ever

As I have to create a contents page I'm going to analyse a NME contents page to find the other conventions of indie music magazine contents pages.

In this NME contents page there is 7 photos with short description of the articles they're promoting beneath them. This gives the page a blocky, square aesthetic (which I don't really like). The photos have the page numbers next to them and at the bottom there is a "Plus" section with other articles in the magazine mentioned. 
As well as that there's an advertisement to subscribe to the magazine in the bottom right.
The title is in a classic, old style font just saying "inside the week" with the date of the issue beneath it.

In my magazine contents page I will also use short descriptions of the articles with page numbers next to them but instead of the blocky look I will use a photo of 1 person and use a similar format to MOJO.

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