Friday 19 February 2016

For my final act...

For my final analysis I'm going to look at another MOJO magazine cover featuring a whole band so I know how to put a whole band onto a cover.

All of the lettering on the page is fitted around Morrisey, the front man which could be reflective of how he seemed to think the world revolved around him.
The magazine has 3 main colour: blue, brown and white. This is good because it uses the rule of 3 and attracts people. 
The rule of 3 is also used with the 3 different fonts used on the cover.
This cover also includes very few small descriptions of the articles in the magazine to give readers an idea of what is in the inside suggesting the primary focus of this magazine is at The Smiths. 

In my magazine cover I will use the rule of 3 with 3 main colours probably Black, white and blue, green or purple. I will also use small drop introductions to the articles on my cover as well as a photo focussing on the band members.

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