Wednesday 24 February 2016


Another MOJO double page spread in case you were getting borrrrred...

On this MOJO double page spread there is one main image of the band in the background spanning the whole width It has the band on it squashing pies onto themselves looking silly. There is a big title at the top of the page saying FUN! FUN! FUN? which is matching the photo and one of the Damned songs so is a play on words.
The is a highlighted yellow subtitle beneath the title to the left of the article with a description/intro to what the articles about.
It follows the rule of 3 with 3 main colours: Black, Yellow and white and 3 different fonts for the title, subtitle and article. It also follows the rule of 3 as the top of their heads is on one third line and each Fun is in a third.

On my double page spread I will use an image of the band as the background with a big title across the top of the page with a smaller subtitle beneath it. As well as using the rules of 3.

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