Sunday 28 February 2016

Q and A

As I have to create a contents page I'm going to analyse a Q contents page to find the other conventions of other music magazine contents pages.

In this Q contents page there is 2 photos with short description of the articles to the left in a Features box with an Every Month box and a Review box below. This gives the page a blocky, square aesthetic (ewww). The articles have the page numbers next to them and the cover article is in gold instead of red, which contrasts to the red, black and white colour scheme. 
The images have little article descriptions and page numbers on the like the NME contents page.
The title is just contents with the Q logo in a plain bold font which has a modern feel.

In my magazine contents page I will also use short descriptions of the articles with page numbers next to them but instead of the blocky look I will use a photo of 1 person and use a similar format to MOJO.

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